Saturday, January 23, 2010

~maju la sukan utk negara~

salam 1malaysia semua.hehe..jmpe lg tuk post kali ni..kali ni aku nk share moment ak n mber2 semua maen basketball n futsal smlm.hehe..fisrt kot ak maen mlm2 mcm serius ak ckp kt korang yg xpenah bersukan tu,serius best gler.hehehe..sgt best,and kitorang enjoy je even xpandai maen.hehe..

kitorang gerak ke kompleks sukan semalam mmg agak lewat skt,lbh kurang kul 10.30mlm.hehe..mklum la nk kne tgu ahli2 yg nk join tu yg lme skt..smpai je kt sne,kmi trus bhgikan kmpulan tuk maen gler even xpandai maen.kmi xhiraukan lgsung dak2 laki yg maen futsal sblh court kmi.hehe.lantak la diorang ckp ap pasal kmi pn.hehe.kmi skt pn xheran.sbb kami pn hebat..hebat ade sikit gmbar tuk korang tgk.sape yg nk join len kali,bole bg send nma kt ak.hehe

dek sbb telampau letih,kte behenti rehat di tgh jln.haha.sempoi..

dr kiri : zura (dak sc comp), fitrina,sap,erin,nurul..xlupa ak yg duk amek gmbr.hehe

candid je ni.hehe

muka letih ni.huhuhu

tgk tu,duk gelak je bdak2 neh.hehehe

* pd awalnye,juz ak,sap n erin je yg smngt trun awl smlm,tgu pnye tgu,kol org ni,org tu,at last kmi dpt kmpul 12org.hehehe

*dh lame xbersukan mcm ni,awl2 maen pn dh ltih.semput jgk sgt best.sume sporting je.

*waktu maen basket,ad yg sepak bola,time futsal plak,ad yg sambut bola..pape je la geng.hehe.bkn nk masuk masum pn kn.hehe

*pape pn,ak bejaya menjaringkan gol utk basketball n futsal.hebat x????time kaseh.ngeh3

*nt len kali sape yg nk maen,jgn lupe ajk ak lg,kompem aku trun.lps ni nk pkai kasut plak.maklum la,maen smlm bekaki ayam je.sakit tapak kaki.huhu

Friday, January 22, 2010

~to my best friends~


lame xupdate blog..xckup mse nk update.hehe..internet plak slalu je xpe hr ni ak ade something to share la.hehe."FRIENDSHIP"..hmm..xssh sbnrnya tuk kte bina a true friendship with anyone ni,tp kne dgn cre yg betol la..dlm mne2 perhubungan pn mesti ada pasang surut nye kn,bak kata pepatah la,sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit,ni kan plak dgn kwn,myb some info yg ak dpt ni dpt mengukuhkan lagi relationship kita ngan all our best friends.tak salah berkawan dengan ramai org..

Be a secret admirer of your friend:

If your friend is good at something then do not praise him/her in his/her presence. Praising a person for what he/she is good, does not improve his/her qualities, but can cause over-confidence to be induced in him/her, which surely will be harmful for your friend. A good friend should never miss an opportunity to praise his/her friend in front of others when he/she is not around.

Don't proved him/her wrong in public:
As it is important not to praise a friend openly in his/her presence, it is also very much important to abstain from proving him/her wrong in front of other people. Take him/her away from the crowd and let him/her know where he/she is wrong. There is no point in proving your friend wrong in other's presence; it will spoil your friend's image in other's view. And additionally your friendship will be in danger.

Try to understand your friend:
It is always important to understand what your friend is worried about or what problems he/she is facing. Always try to understand the situation your friend is in and try to soothe him/her. It is evident that if people are undergoing some problems, they will not speak up their problems to their brothers or sisters, they will instead tell everything to their friends. Let your friend speak up, just listen to him/her and be with him/her until your friend does not come out of frustration.

Pull Your Friend Away From Making Mistakes:

If your friend is doing something wrong, it is your duty to let him/her know it at earliest. Keep in mind; best friend has to play a role of critic if he/she wants his/her friend to stop doing wrong things. But again keep in mind not to show your friends mistakes in front of other people. Sometimes it is important to understand your friend's intentions behind his/her actions and try to analyze situation, then only you should give your opinion.

The Ego Problem:
Never let ego spoil your friendship. It is no reason to be jealous if your friend is not at all able to speak to you and is with someone else, you have to be his/her friend, do not expect word of gratitude from the person you think is your friend. Sometimes there could be a clash between you and your friend, and you both stop talking to each other for some time, it is not at all wrong to speak first and say sorry to your friend, no matter what happens.

Try to Teach Good Things:
If you are a true friend, you should never give your hungry friend a fish, instead, you should teach him/her how to fish, this will give your friend food for lifetime. A good friend will never wish his/her friend to be dependent on someone.

Do Not Interfere:
Most important point that one should take care of is that your friend has his/her own life and you should not interfere in his/her life. You have a right to tell your friend what is good and what is bad, but you do not have a right to make someone do what you wish. Hope this will help you out solve some of your problems you are facing in friendship.

*to my best friends..sory for all troubles that i made,thanks for all happyness that we share,thanks to be my best friends,thanks for everything..

Friday, January 8, 2010

~ap nk bt..huhu~

salam 1malaysia.

agak lama aku xupdate blog ni..tu disebabkan byk msalah yg berkaitan.huhu

hmm,xde ap nk ckp cume kalo bole ak nk tye pndpt korang pasal mslh ak. aku ad kwn,kwn yg sgt rapat ngan aku skrg.skrg kwn aku ada mslh,die down skrg ni,die tension sbb mslh die,sbb keadaan die xseperti org laen.ak dh byk bg nsht kt die..mcm2 ak ckp kt die,sruh die sbr,trma ap je yg Allah die still mcm tu..aku sdh ble die sdh,tp ak rse lg sdh ble ak xdpt hepykan die skrg..ap ak nk bt??rse mcm nk nangis je.hrp ad kwn2 ak yg bole tlg ak..