Monday, March 30, 2009

~halamak..exam??tension ny!!!~

salam khabar ek??? kn skrg?maklum la dh dkt2 nk exam ni..
test berlambak2,tutor lg,kuiz lg,asgment lg..

so, ak nk tye skt, pe cre nk hilangkn tension ek?
maklum la, kalo xdpt handle, bhye gak..
share2 la cre korang handle tension ni..

semoga ke'tension'an kte leh berkurang..hehehe

Saturday, March 28, 2009


bertempat di KLCC, pameran AUTOMEKANIKA telah diadakan bertujuan m'beri informasi b'kaitan bhgian2 dlm krta. ak jga tdk b'kcuali mengunjungi pameran t'sebut. kmi sramai lbh krg 30 student dr FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL tlh b'tolak ke sana pd pkul 8.00 pg. kami sampai di sana lbh kurg pkul 12.30,nk tau lbh?jom kte tgk gmbr2 ni..


kat slah satu booth yg ad kt sne..

m05 vacation..hahaha...geng2 ponteng lab...


hampir 1jam lbh kt dlm dewan tu, kmi pn ambik peluang jln2 kt KLCC ni.maklum la, dh lme xdtg kn.last skali pn last year...

kami bertolak pulang ke UMP pada pukul 5 ptg dan sampai di UMP pd pkul 10.00mlm(lbh krg)..pengalaman yg tdk dpt dilupakan.hehehe

(28 march 2009,KLCC, kuala lumpur)


Thursday, March 26, 2009

~sress???stop it!!!~

* Life is a drag.
* What’s the point of anything?
* I’ll never be happy.

Do any of these gloomy thoughts sound familiar? It’s likely they do. The occasional case of the blues is perfectly normal, but that doesn’t make dealing with it any easier. If you allow them to, negative thoughts can fester and lead to serious depression. That’s why it’s important to take action early to bust yourself out of a slump.

While these suggestions won’t eliminate your problems, they can help you break a negative thought pattern and stop feeling depressed. If you think you might have a serious mental health problem, don’t hesitate to see a medical professional.

1. Understand the emotional cycle - Life is an emotional roller coaster. Some days you feel like nothing can stop you. Other days you feel utterly hopeless. Most of the time you’re somewhere in between. Understanding the pattern of positive and negative emotions will help you put your feelings in perspective. Next time you feel down, just remember that it’s a natural emotion that will inevitably pass. Knowing that a feeling of depression is only temporary makes it less dreadful.

2. Spend time with positive people - Nothing affects the way you think and feel more than the people you interact with. Thoughts (both positive and negative) are contagious. If you are surrounded by negative people, it’s only natural that you’ll start to think and feel the same way. To improve your outlook on life, spend time with positive people. Search them out and try to understand the way they see the world. Chances are their happiness will rub off.

3. Reflect on past success - In the wake of a colossal failure, it’s easy to forget everything you’ve ever done right. Take a few minutes to remember your past accomplishments and build yourself up. What made you successful before? What are your strengths? Frequently, this exercise will build self confidence, help you figure out what went wrong, and generate ideas for success in the future.

4. Focus on gratitude - It’s human nature to measure ourselves against those ahead of us on the social ladder. Studies have shown that people care more about being richer than their friends than actually making more money. When you consider everything good in your life and compare it to the problems of less fortunate people, the issue that’s making you depressed won’t seem as serious.

5. Change of scenery - One of the best ways to change the way you feel is to change your environment. When you get in a slump, you start to associate your problems with everything around you. It can get to the point where your environment is a constant reminder of your problems. This can be a dangerous cycle. The solution is to change things. Change doesn’t have to be radical. Cleaning up, adding more lights, or including pleasant decorations can completely change the mood of a room.

6. Break your routine - Going through the same routine, day after day, can be monotonous and depressing. It often leads to getting caught in a rut. To get out of it you need to temporarily change your routine. If you can, take a day off from work. Do something you don’t normally have time for or something you’ve never tried. In the long run, taking a day off every now and then to get out of slump will make you happier and more productive.

7. Interact with animals and nature - It’s funny when you consider how humans put so much importance on their own tiny problems. Animals don’t think this way. A little bird doesn’t mope around because it isn’t an eagle or because another bird beat it to a tasty seed. Animals live in the present moment and they show love unconditionally. Observing and interacting with them will help you get over your problems.

8. Get moving - As Johnny Cash famously suggested, “Get a rhythm, when you get the blues.” Moving to a beat makes everyone feel better. The same is true for movement in general. Hitting the gym or going for a walk will help you shed the lethargy that comes with feeling depressed. The more enthusiastic your moments, the better you will start to feel.

9. Think about the big picture - As Carl Sagan made evident with the Pale Blue Dot, we’re insignificant creatures living in a vast universe on a tiny planet. In the long run, everything we do will probably be forgotten. Some might find this depressing, but it shouldn’t be. It means that all our problems are illusory. In a million years no one will remember what you did or didn’t do. What matters is the present moment and enjoying every second of life that we’re blessed with.

10. Do something to help yourself - Above all, the best way to stop feeling depressed is to take action. What is your biggest problem? How can you alleviate it? Once you decide to stop moping and start moving forward you won’t have time to feel depressed. Action will occupy your mind and give you something to look forward to. Once you get some results, you’ll build momentum and positive thinking will keep getting easier.

**hmm,tgh2 syok layan ternet, terjmpe la artikel ni..myb related ngan kte yg slalu sterss ap lg skrg musim m'jelang exam ni...huhuhu,so, dont be tension2 ek..hehe

Sunday, March 22, 2009


salam sume...nk cite sikit ni...hehehe.. semalam aku n my frends ade join pertandingan FUTSAL anjuran IEM.nk tau lbh cite,jom layan...

perkenalkan kepada anda kump UNDERSPOT(kak shaz,nurul,fizah,picing,ally)..mmg mantap...

before maen,kne rncg strategi dlu kn(rmput jd mgsa), la strategi yg tlh kmi gne..2-1-1..

perlawanan pun bermula..1st geme,kmi lwan ngan team PEREMPUAN MELAYU TERAKHIR(PMT).punye la xcited nk tau spe pnye team la tu,nme team ni mmg m'buatkan ak t'tye2 gak la kn..tbe2..ah tdak!!! dr classmate yg best ni,lwan ngan dak kls.mmg xserius lgsung maen..siap glak2 lg..hahahaha.PMT t'diri drp AZMA,FITRINA,WAWA,ERIN,NANI,N SAPIAH.terer gak dak2 ni..kptsan memihak kpd UNDERSPOT 4-0.

SAP!!!kejar sap..hikhikhik..time PMT ngah lawan..ngan team mne ntah.lpe lak..

slpas mengharungi 4 perlawanan dlm panas terik,akhirnya kptusan diumumkan..nk tau sape juara???mesti dh tau kn...xnk ckp la,malu..hikhikhik...

>>mmg lawak bile sume ahli team kami xpnah maen futsal sblum ni..1st game kmi time lwan ngan PMT tu,si refree siap gelak2 lg kt kmi..krg asam tul,tau la kmi xpnah maen..huhuhu

>>nme team ktrg UNDERSPOT.nk tau sbb ape plih nme ni..hmm sbb team kmi dibentuk last2 mnt je,mmg underspot la,tnpe lthan.huhu..aim ktrg msuk p'tndingan ni adlh juz nk maen2 je..b4 start tu,dh ckp dh,kmi akn trma je kalo klh sbb kmi maen bkn sbb nk dh rzki kmi smlm jd JUARA..hahaha

>>melalui pertandingan ni, satu perkara yg bt aku bgge tahap cipan ialah semangat berpasukan antara kami dan semangat kelas M05(UNDERSPOT & PMT)..hehehe..walaupun kami separate kpd 2team,kami still support antara satu sama laen..cayalah geng!!!geng2 M05 mmg menang cheers smlm..hehehe..hdup m05!!!

>>nurul merupakan penjaring terbanyak team ktrg..bpe gol??ntah ak pn lpe..kak shaz pn ad menyumbangkan 1gol..aku??mestilah ade gak..hahahaha..(gol sendiri,halamak!!!bt malu je)

>>sepanjang event ni,3kali ak jtuh dilanggar leh lawan.sengal je...huhuhu..kaki ak dh terseliuh dh ni..skrg plak,separuh bdan aku dh skit2.

>>keputusan penuh melibatkan UNDERSPOT :

**dlm mne2 keadaan pn,apabila melibatkan team,hanya satu je yg penting,iaitu kerjasama dan saling menolong antara ahli kumpulan..

**meraikan kemenangan UNDERSPOT dengan yang laen..thanks to all my friends sbb sudi meraikan kejayaan kmi yg xsbrapa ni ngan kami..(azma,fitrina,kucai,sap,erin,wawa).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

~bengkel solidwork~

assalamualaikum sume...jupe lg dlm blog aku kali ni...
hmm..aku nk kongsi skt ngn korang aktiviti aku sepanjang hujung minggu bru ni..hehehe..

14 MARCH 2009
8:00 A.M
bergegas ke lab FKM untk bengkel solidwork yang akan berlangsung pada hari tu..aku sebagai ajk makanan untuk bengkel ni,mmg agk sibuk jgk le...

9:00 A.M - 5:00 p.m
bengkel bermula dgn penceramah jemputan memberikan sedikit penerangan kepada semua peserta yang hadir..lebih kurang pukul 5 jgk la,bengkel ni tamat untuk hari yg pertama..

6:30 PM
tgh sdp2 rehat kt blik,tbe2 dpt msj dr si wawa ajk kuar maen, pe lg, kmi pn kuar le dgn 2 buah dpt kuar rmai2 cmni..dlm 'perlawanan' bowling ni,aku dpt no 4 drpd 9org yg maen..hehehe..kire terer gak la kn..hikhikhik..balik mlm tu dlm kul nk jd daa...

15 MARCH 2009

mcm biase ler,pg2 lg dh gerak ke lab FKM untuk bengkel solidwork hr yg terakhir ni...pd hr ni jgk le,pntup untk bengkel diadakan.terima ksih kpd semua yg terlinat dlm menjayakan bengkel solidworks 09 ni...xspecially kpd semua ajk, peserta n tak lpe kpd tnga pengajar...

hujung minggu aku diakhiri dgn berita kemenangan LIVERPOOL ke ats MAN U n tak lupe jgak faveret team ak iaitu CHELSEA dn kemenangan CHONG WEI ke ats musuh no 1 nye,iaitu LIN DAN.hehehe..kite jupe lg dlm blog strusnya, INSYAALLAH aku akn citerkn ttg COMPETITION SOLIDWORKS yg akn uruskan plak...bye...

Friday, March 13, 2009


Ketika bebas di alam remaja,
impianku tidak mengenal batasan - aku ingin MENGUBAH DUNIA

Bila usia meningkat dewasa dan aku semakin matang, kusedari.. rupanya dunia tidak akan berubah. Lalu aku bataskan jangkauan. Memadailah jika aku dapat MENGUBAH NEGARA. Namun ini juga tidak kesampaian..

Di usia senja, pilihan terakhirku ialah untuk MENGUBAH KELUARGA dan mereka yang terdekat. Malangnya.. mereka juga tidak mampu ku ubah. Kini, di pembaringan menanti maut, baru ku sedari.. (mungkin buat pertama kali)

Andainya dahulu yang pertama ku ubah adalah DIRI SENDIRI - dengan menunjukkan teladan yang baik, pasti aku dapat MENGUBAH KELUARGA. Lantas.. dengan sokongan dan dorongan semangat mereka, pasti aku mampu MENGUBAH NEGARA..

Dan siapa tahu.. Mungkin juga aku mampu MENGUBAH DUNIA

Thursday, March 12, 2009

~::penat nye..::~

hari ni mmg letih gler r..
kne bwak bku brat plak tu...
bkn maen lg rancang nk g pasar malam ngan sapiah,fatiehah n fadilah, tp sdh nye xjd la plak..
hhuhuhuhu..xpe, mgu dpn kte g ek..

perasaan aku skrg ni ialah aku nk blik rmah...miss my family!!!!
huhuhuuhu..ble la blh blik????

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~something bout me~

1. aku jenis yang paling mementingkan masa..hehehe..cnth ny kn, kalo aku dh jnji ngan org tu kul 8pg, kul 7.55pg ak trun dh dr blik ak..semue ni dr nshat mak aku..die prnah ckp, biar le kite yg asyik ygu org, asal jgn org tgu kte..

2. aku xske ble ade org rse bersalah sebab aku or aku buat org tu dlm keadaan yg ssh..aku akn rse bersalah sgt.cnth, kalo aku jnji ngan org, tp ak xdpt nk tunaikan,fuh!!!bersalah giler neh..

3. aku pantang bile org xske aku,lps tu blh plak die nk sindir2 dpn aku..hai..berapi nih..

4. aku suke sgt kaler hijau.hehehehe

5. aku xske bile ade org puji aku giler2(haha,biarla org tu ikhlas ke x). yg pntg ak akan jd malu thap cipan..(aku kn pemalu)hahaha..lps ni, biarla kalo xde org puji ak pn, ak trma.huhuhu

6. aku sgt rapat dgn family aku..hehehe..bayangkan family aku semua tahu ttg kwn2 aku.xkre r kawan ppuan or llki..stiap kali blik aku ske crtakan kt dorg psal kwn2 aku.hehehehe..crta yg baek2 sje..

hehehe,sje nk kongsi ngan u'all sume ni..

Monday, March 9, 2009

::buku ku::

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera..

Agak lama jugak aku tak update blog ni. Maklum la, seminggu dua ni macam-macam kerja yang perlu diselesaikan. Dalam pada itu, aku nak kongsi hobi aku dengan korang. Hehehe. Sesape yang rapat dengan aku mesti tahu yang aku ni sorang yang gila novel. Huhuhu..

So,sekarang aku nak kongsi2 ngan korang novel yang baru habis aku baca tadi,iiaitu novel KENANGAN TERINDAH nurkilan HEZZY AZRA. Novel ini aku baru je beli semalam dan aku rasa berbaloi sangat sebab jalan ceritanya yang menarik.

Novel ni bertemakan persahabatan, percintaan, kekeluargaan, kejujuran, kesetiaan dan kepercayaan. Cerita ni mengisahkan bagaimana dua orang sahabat baik boleh menjadi sepasang kekasih yang akhirnya ke jinjang pelamin.. sweet kan??hehehe.. so, kalo nak tahu ngan lebih lanjut, bolehlah bace sendiri novel ni. Boleh didapati di mana2 kedai buku berhampiran dengan anda.hehehe. kalo nk pnjm dr ak bleh je, tp kne charge r skt.. Hehehe.. selamat membaca!!!